Returns & Replacements

Orders that haven’t been paid can always be cancelled. Simply contact us by email, phone, or chat, and we will cancel your order.

Orders that have been paid, but not yet delivered to you may be cancelled and refunded under certain circumstances, see below:

  • Product has not been shipped yet: can be cancelled and refunded (minus bank transfer fee).
  • Product is currently in transit and we have sent you the tracking code: cannot be cancelled.

Orders that have been paid and delivered cannot be cancelled. Refunds are not given if the product does not satisfy the expected flavors or quality.

Should the product on delivery be out of date, or have turned foul, we will resend a similar product upon receiving sufficient proof in the shape of images and/or other information.

Orders that have been paid by credit card will receive refund through the credit card. Cardholders will receive the refunded amount between 48 hours or before next billing cycle. In rare cases it could take up to 30 days.